6th c. BC 508 BC ­ Cleisthenes democratic reforms in Athens. 5th c. BC 457 BC ­ Age of Pericles and Athenian hegemony over Greece. 445 BC ­ Phidias and Pericles devise the new monumental layout of the Acropolis in Athens. Work began on the construction of the Parthenon, a temple dedicated to Pallas Athena, whose reliefs, carved by Phidias, are among the highest examples of classical art. 4th c. BC 338 BC ­ Classical art comes to an end with the decline of the city state and the conquest of Greece by the kingdom of Macedonia. Alexander the Great begins his conquest of the Persian empire. 323 BC ­ Death of Alexander the Great. Start of the Hellenistic period. 3rd c. BC ­ 2nd c. BC 212 BC ­ The Romans conquer Syracuse and come into direct contact with Greek art. Its influence would grow even stronger after 146 BC, the date of the Roman conquest of Greece. One of the greatest achievements of Hellenistic art, The Nike, is carved on Samothrace. 1st c. BC 25 BC ­ Empire of Augustus. Rome becomes an artistic center of great importance. Celebration of the emperor becomes the main subject of official patronage.